When I think back to Nora's birthday, I can't help but get teary and overcome with the beauty of that day. God was SO good and gave us such a smooth and peaceful delivery with our Nora. As long as I could hear that precious little girls heartbeat, I felt calm and ready to take on whatever delivery would bring. The Lord gave us a quick induction and we couldn't believe it when our precious girl arrived 6 hours after being induced. As they passed that sweet girl up to me after my final push, I was so in awe of the precious little one the Lord had given us. It was so surreal that she was finally here. This sweet, wiggling baby was really ours and was healthy and in our arms. What a gift we received that day.
I spent this morning looking back through the pictures from a year ago {Thank you Kaitlynn Chritton for the beautiful photos you captured after Nora arrived- We truly cherish them}. The pictures take me back to those initial moments we got to spend with our sweet girl. Everything was so fresh and new and our hearts were so full to overflowing. With Nora in our arms and our family there to celebrate her arrival, the day felt complete. As I look back at these moments I remember so clearly what this day was filled with: complete joy and gratefulness!

Sweet Nora Danae, what a blessing it is to celebrate your first birthday. A year ago today was truly one of the best days of our lives. This year the Lord has given us with you has been an absolute gift. We are so grateful the Lord saw fit to put you in our family and to give us the privilege of being your parents. Your arrival a year ago today brought such a beautiful phase into your Mommy and Daddy's life. It has been amazing to watch you grow and change from a precious newborn baby into a spunky and sweet little girl. We love you, baby girl!